четверг, 15 января 2009 г.

Добрый день всем!!!!!

Я сегодня нашла классный сайт!!! Сайт для тех кто любит кантри стиль и примитив!!! Там аж 5 страниц с фотографиями интерьеров в кантри стиле, украшенных к рождеству. Много замечательных идей!!!
Вот посмотрите
А здесь слайд-шоу с очень красивым интерьером в кантри стиле :)

10 комментариев:

  1. Grettings from the USA!

    I don't know if you can read English - but how did you get the slide show of my house?? Did you vsit my blog or get it from a PrimitivePlace.org?

  2. Hello! I am from the United States of America and I just wanted to send greetings and prim wishes! My*Prim*Cottage

  3. Hello, Linda! I speak English a little. But now I write the text in on-laine the translator. Therefore I am sorry for errors.
    I have really casually got on your blog. I very much like your house! There so it is cosy! It is simply delightful!
    I very much love the country style, but in Russia such lovely country things are not on sale as in America, therefore it is necessary to hope for the hands only...
    I Am sorry that has shown the reference to your site. If it it is impossible to do, you tell, I will clean the reference.

  4. Hello, Beth! I'm very glad to see you in my blog!:)

  5. Beth, your Prim*Cottage is very beautiful and cosy! There pleases everything, each jar, a spoon, each subject! Beauty!

  6. Oh no - I was not upset- just very curious! You do not have to remove it. I thought it was very exciting to see it on your blog. THANK YOu for showing it to everyone. A big warm hello from America!!

  7. Linda, then with your permission I have again added the reference to this remarkable slideshow. Your house would deserve that have seen it and in Russia!

  8. You are so kind! Thank you very much. It is my pleasure to meet you on your blog.

  9. Hi Nana! My name is Kristine and I own the website www.aprimitiveplace.org. Thank you so much for putting a link to our site on your blog! It is very exciting! If you are wondering how we all knew about this, I noticed traffic coming from your blog to our site. I went to your blog out of curiosity. It is so wonderful to have met you! Please visit often!

  10. Kristine, I will necessarily visit your site! There so much beautiful things! I have spent some hours in this magic world! And to all I advise there to visit!:)
